Individuals looking for a completely customized shoreland can book a Natural Edge site visit. During these visits, we will provide you with advice and recommendations to improve the health of your shoreland property and help you design a “natural edge” using the Watersheds Canada Natural Edge app.
If planting is recommended and you decide to move forward with a shoreline re-naturalization project, we can offer you all the resources you need to get started through the generous support of our funding sponsors. Resources in our Shoreline Re-naturalization Starter Kit include a customized planting plan, educational materials and native plants to create natural habitat along your shoreline.
For $495.00, landowners purchasing the starter kit will receive:
A site visit with one of our experts
A customized re-naturalization planting plan for your shoreline property
50 wildflowers or 10 potted plant
A Plant Guide with instructions on how to take care of your new plants
Our Habitat Creation Guide
Our Wildflower Garden Guide
Note that mileage fees will apply.
You can book a Natural Edge site visit through our founding charity, The Land Between, by emailing